Saturday, February 21, 2015

Culture Tips in Growing the Phalaenopsis Orchid


Butterfly Orchids or Phalaenopsis, are one of the most graceful and elegant group of orchid. It is locally known as mariposa or moth orchid, as its flowers resemble butterflies in flight. It is one of the most common orchid plant in the country and also in Asia, Europe and America . In fact, the Philippines is the center of Phalaenopsis orchid diversity in the world, since half of the Phalaenopsis species and varieties worldwide are found in our country. It is actually easy to grow and it takes a relatively short time to flower.

However, the Philippines , most hobbyists are having difficulty in growing this orchid due to the fact it has a different cultural requirement compared to Vanda and Dendrobium orchids, specially for its requirement for light and water. Phalaenopsis requires shade, and do not like too much water, as it excessive watering tends to cause the plant to rot.

The genus name Phalaenopsis came from the Greek word ‘phalaena’ meaning moth, and ‘opsis’ meaning appearance. Out of the 42 species and 36 varieties, 20 species and 18 varieties are found locally. Many of our Phalaenopsis species have been ancestors of modern Phalaenopsis hybrids. There are more than 40,000 hybrids in this genus and there are more hybrids being registered in this single genus than any other orchid genus. The advantages of growing this group of orchids are: that it is easy to mass produce from seeds, and plants from flasks can be flowered within 8 to 18 months. Phalaenopsis can easily be programmed to flower, by exposing plants to night temperature 10 oC lower than that of daytime temperature and increasing humidity. This is usually done by growing them in cool areas like Antipolo, Tanay, Tagaytay, or Baguio . However, greenhouses can be modified to produce a cool humid environment by evaporative cooling. Breeding and large scale production techniques or protocols for these orchids have already been developed and perfected. There are locations in the country where Phalaenopsis can be grown inexpensively. There is a very wide potential for Phalaenopsis for the foreign market.

Miniature Phalaenopsis hybrids

This is due to the fact that Butterfly orchids offers a wide range of flower color, from white to pink, Greenish, lavander-gray, with flower markings like stripes, spots and blotches. In the United States alone, over 75% of all orchids (flowering potted plants) sold are Phalaenopsis.

Orchid sales worldwide have been increasing and large scale production of potted Phalaenopsis has been done in the Netherlands , Germany, China , Taiwan , United States and Japan. In the US and Europe , Phalaenopsis have replaced the common people’s concept of ‘orchid’, which was once symbolized by Cattleya and Cymbidium. Phalaenopsis is now readily available, affordable and mass marketed in supermarkets.

An ocean of Phalaenopsis orchid hybrids in the farm of VS Orchids, Tagaytay City.

Types. Phalaenopsis orchids are usually categorized either as species or hybrids. Commercial hybrids usually created to follow a ‘standard’ plant form which is typically characterized by large, full and round flowers, in arching flower stalk. They have round or oval thick leaves, in short stems. Flower color ranges from white, semi-alba (white petals and sepals with colored lip), yellow, pink, red, green and lavender, and with flower markings like stripes, spots and blotches. There are also warm and cool growing Phalaenopsis.

General Characteristics. Butterfly orchids has very thick, short stems, and fleshy, soft leaves. The leaves are closely clustered in a two-ranked arrangement and oval-shaped. Inflorescence are either very short to long with drooping to rigidly erect raceme or panicle and bears from one to very numerous and some, mostly large delicate flowers. Phalaenopsis are truly tropical and epiphytic in nature, and they are all very sensitive to direct sun and rain.

Cultural Requirements.

Light. The plant is regarded as a shade-loving plant, thus partial shade or diffused light is required through nets or slat-house. The leaves are easily sun-burned or scorched. The plant can tolerate high light intensities as much as 2,000 foot-candles. The plants are ideally placed indoors or in an area where they will receive morning light, but shaded or protected from direct light during noontime.

Water and Humidity. Phalaenopsis require plenty of water but needs that their leaves and crown be kept dry between watering. Phalaenopsis need plastic roofing or protection from too much rain when grown outdoors during the rainy season. Younger plants require more watering than matured plants. This can be accomplished by misting the plants instead of water sprinkling. Water all matured plants twice per day during very hot and dry months, and only 2-3 times per week during wet months (or none at all). Protect plants from too much rain. For indoor growing, plants are usually watered by immersing the whole potted plant in a bucket of water and permitted to drip dry. The crown needs to be kept dry. Companion plants like ferns, bromeliads, and other foliage plants can be placed near the orchid to help increase humidity. Normal humidity levels in the home is sufficient for Phalaenopsis. However, in an air-conditioned office, humidity levels might be less than ideal. It is also best to place your potted plant over a dish of water with
pebbles so that the pot is not directly sitting on water.

Air Movement. It is necessary to provide enough space between plants and to allow air movement (slight breeze) to help dry the leaves. Using an electric fan to induce air movement in indoor gardens is common.

Flowering. Matured Phalaenopsis plants will flower when exposed to the right temperature and light photo-period. They are seasonal bloomers, usually during months of February and September, however, they can now be artificially induced to flower.

Fertilization. Fertilize plants twice or once a week. Seedlings could be sprayed with very dilute fertilizer everyday after watering. Plants need to be watered heavily once a week to flush excess salts. Wet plants first before applying fertilizers. Follow fertilizer dilution for orchids based on the label, usually at a rate of 1 tsp or less per gallon of water. Use balanced foliar fertilizer with trace elements for orchids.

Growing Media. Phalaenopsis can be potted on clay or plastic pots, with charcoal and coconut husks, or mounted in wooden slabs. Currently, the use of tree fern roots is being discourage for the conservation of our endangered giant tree ferns. Pre-soaked coconut husk is another good medium for Phalaenopsis. Another alternative medium is a 1:1 mixture of sand and coconut choir dust. In this method, Phalaenopsis is treated like a terrestrial orchid, and irrigation is done by placing the potted plant in a basin of water, where water comes up from the bottom up. Phalaenopsis can also be mounted in trunks of living trees like coconut palms, Manila palms, acacia, narra and caimito using U-nail.

Pest and Disease Control. Crown and leaves of Phalaenopsis rots easily if excessively watered. The plant is also sensitive to spider mites infestation. Mites can be controlled by applying miticides (e.g. Omite or Ascend) once a week for 4 weeks. To control crown rot, soft rot of leaves and bacterial spot: fungicide like Dithane or Captan is applied as a prophylactic during rainy season at 3 times a week. Systemic insecticides like Sevin or Lannate are applied when insect pests infestations are presents. For slugs and snails, a molluscide bait can be used.  Visit plants regularly for signs of pests and diseases, especially during the rainy season.

Propagation. Phalaenopsis can be propagated asexually by keikis forming on old flower stalks or on sides of main stem. Top cutting could be done on long drooping Phalaenopsis plants, and after which, new plants will shoot from the remaining stem. Using lanolin paste with Benzyl adenine (BA) on buds in flower stalk to induce keikis has given successful results. Pot keikis in clay or plastic pots with chopped charcoal and coconut husk.

Phalaenopsis can also be propagated sexually through seeds. This can be done by pollinating the selected orchid flower to form a capsule (fruit). However, one has to learn good plant breeding techniques in order to produce good quality plants. The orchid fruit or capsule will mature within 4 months. Then, mature capsules can be harvested and brought to an orchid laboratory, where the seeds can be sown in an artificial nutrient medium using seed culture technology. Viable seeds germinates in a month’s time and seedlings will be ready to be transferred to the nursery in a year’s time. Hundreds or thousands of seedlings can be produced in these way.


Keiki (pronounced "kay-key") is the Hawaiian word for "baby", “anak” or "child", literally meaning "the little
one". In horticulture, it refers to a plant produced asexually by an orchid plant, usually used when referring to Dendrobium, Epidendrum (sensu latu), and Phalaenopsis orchids. The baby plant is an exact clone of the mother plant, sometimes flowering while still attached to the mother plant.

On a Phalaenopsis, a keiki is a small plant growing from one node along the flower stem. On a Dendrobium, the keiki is typically found sprouting along the length of the cane or from the end of the cane. This is induced by the accumulation of growth hormones at that point, either naturally, or by the application of keiki paste.

The Hormone paste. Keiki paste is a cytokinin hormone (usually Benyzl Adenine or Benzyl Amino Purine) in a Lanolin mixture which induces growth in the node of a Phalaenopsis inflorescence. It should not be confused with paste or powder containing auxins, which are used to force the production of roots.

Application of a benzladenine paste to induce plantlet or keiki development in a Phalaenopsis flower stem

Nodes on Phalaenopsis spikes will form either vegetative growth (keiki) or floral growth (a branch with flower buds). If the node tissue is already differentiated so that it will become a floral branch, there is no way to change the result. The trick is to get the paste onto the node before it is differentiated. However, there is no way to predict if an undifferentiated node will become a keiki or a floral branch.

Remove keikis with roots from mother plant and plant individually on plastic or clay pots

Removing Keikis. If a new plant is desired, the keiki should be left on the mother plant until it develops a healthy root system and have two or three leaves(for a Phalaenopsis) or canes (Dendrobium). At this point, it can be carefully removed with a sharp knife and planted in its own pot. Keikis are cut below and above the stem, leaving a small piece of stem on the baby plant. A separated keiki can be expected to flower in approximately the same amount of time it would take for the cross or species to flower from a seedling. Some species orchids like Phal pulchra keiki frequently and flower while still attached to the mother plant.

Article by: Norberto R. Bautista
For inquiries, kindly email me at

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  1. Hi! Thanks so much for your wonderfully comprehensive article on this flower! Might get one for the house and truly appreciate the information. More power!

  2. Salamat po manong! Interesting read!

  3. Where can you buy this keiki paste in the Philippines?

  4. Finally, an article on how to care and grow phalaenopsis in the context of the tropical Philippine climate!! Just what I was looking for! I found your article both very helpful and educational. Please continue to write similar articles in the future. Thank you so very much!

  5. Can I share this article? Thank you.
